Standard Gain Horn Antenna
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Standard gain horn antennas are used as calibration devices that measure the gain of other antennas.
These antennas are made up of a combination of a Waveguide to Coax Adapter and Standard Gain Horn with Waveguide Input. It is a kind of simple combination but with great care and attention to create an antenna with accurate and suitable specs.
FT-RF Standard gain horn antenna product series includes waveguide sizes WR28, WR42, WR51, WR62, WR75, WR90, WR112, WR137, WR159, WR187, WR229, WR284 and WR340, WR430, WR510, WR650, WR770, WR975, WR1150, WR1500, WR1800, WR2100, WR2300, with broadband waveguide horn antennas have frequency capabilities ranging from 320Mhz to 40 GHz depending on type and style. with the gain of 10dBi, 15dBi, 20dBi and 25dBi.
Standard Gain Horn Antenna Applications:
- - Antenna measurement
- - Radar Detection System
- - Wireless Communication
- - Spectrum Monitoring
- - Electromagnetic interference Testing (EMI test)
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